Monday, March 14, 2011


I cannot believe these insane gas prices! Today, I pumped fifty-one dollars worth of mid-grade gasoline into my little Hyundai Elantra. Thankfully, my car gets 30 miles per gallon. I am glad we off-loaded our sport utility vehicle before these prices got so out of control. I seriously do not know how people can afford to own trucks and sport utility vehicles with these gas prices. Not to mention that most people with newer trucks and sport utility vehicles have loan payments upwards of four hundred dollars a month. I imagine they are paying almost as much for gas as they are paying for their actual vehicle loans.

It is so irritating considering that no just twelve years ago, I was paying ninety-nine cents a gallon. At that point I drove a little Suzuki Swift, so gas only cost me ten dollars every two weeks. So what exactly changed? Of course, there was 9-11, the"war on terrorism", mortgage lenders giving subprime loans to people who could not afford them, and massive growth in globalization. All of which I cannot see leading to being bent over to this degree.

I once heard Daryl Hannah on the radio talking about modifying her car to run on fryer oil. Considering the lines in fast food restaurants these days....maybe that's something worth looking into.

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