Thursday, March 24, 2011

Ghostly Encounters

My sister stayed the night at my place last night. Despite my better judgement, I let her handle the remote. She is a paranormal fanatic, so she put on one of those ghost shows. I am not much for ghosts and the whole paranormal thing. In fact, I can't watch horror movies in general. The last horror movie I watched was "White Noise" and I had a hard time sleeping for weeks....and I still freak out when I come across a snowy channel.

At some point during the night, I woke up to a heavy feeling on my chest as if someone was holding me down. I freaked out and said "WTF is this?" I started brushing whatever was on me off and the feeling went away. I won't lie, I had a little to drink earlier that evening, so I feel asleep right after.

When I got to work this morning, I was telling my co-worker the story. I was fully convinced it was just one of those dreams that you think you woke up. Mostly because I didn't like the idea of it being real. My co-worker cracked a few jokes at my expense and the day went on as usual.

Later today, I was telling my sister about my dream and my co-workers jokes. She started laughing and said, "It was me." I said, "You were holding me down?" She laughed again and told me that it was her arm. At some point, she had rolled over and her arm landed on me.

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