Tuesday, March 22, 2011


I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes when I was 19 years old. In my early twenties, I was re-diagnosed as a latent onset type 1 diabetic. So, I have been on insulin for a little over 8 years now.

Although diabetes runs in my family, nobody in my family became diabetic before the age of 55. Amazingly, I had a very healthy childhood with little to no illnesses, but when I was 16, I received an immunization from the health department. Almost immediately, I had three back-to-back cases of tonsillitis over a two-month period of time. My doctor decided to have my tonsils removed, but after my surgery, I started getting sinus infections almost as frequently as I was getting tonsillitis. Of course, I am not a doctor, but considering the fact that my pancreatic function at the age of 19 dropped to almost nothing in only a couple of years, coupled with my rush of illnesses, I can only imagine that something in the immunization compromised my immune system. Consequently, I am not a big fan of immunizations or at least immunizing without first checking to see if a person doesn't already possess the immunity.

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