Saturday, March 19, 2011

What a day.....

Today I helped my little sister's father move (she's actually my half-sister, but we were raised together from a young age -- so we never considered ourselves half-sisters). Back to the's such a disaster! First of all, he pissed his realtor off (something he does well -- if you knew him you would run). He has Multiple Sclerosis, so with the progression of his illness, he is losing brain function...but he never really was what you could consider "normal." I only say this, because I imagine he had it coming. Since he is family, we put up with his shenanigans, but a person off the street doesn't have that consideration for him. The realtor claimed that he lied about his financial situation and served him with a 3-day notice to vacate. I don't even know if that's possible, because I have always heard you get at least 30 days.

So the big deal was that it was all being put on my sister to pack and load. Of course, her father has a disability, so it's hard for him to do much and his wife is a very sweet woman, but not very motivated. The problem is, my sister is about 7 months pregnant. Honestly, I would never have donated my time to deal with a problem someone else created for themselves, but I felt I needed to step in and help for my sisters sake.

To be continued....

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