Sunday, March 20, 2011

A moving experience

In continuation of yesterdays post.... the last minute, my sister's father decided to hire a few guys standing outside the U-haul store. We had two guys of our own, so this was good news. When I arrived to the house, the three men he hired were sitting outside waiting for him to get back from the bank. I guess when the guys finished loading the truck he decided it was time to go to the bank. This took him an hour and when he finally arrived, he wandered around the house trying to make face time with everybody in the house. My sister reminded him on several occasions that the guys outside were waiting to take the truck to the storage unit to unload it -- and he was the one who wanted to be out the next day. About an hour later, he decided he was ready to leave, but now he couldn't find the keys for the U-haul. He spent another 20 minutes looking for them, before finding them in his back pocket. Is anybody reading this as annoyed as I was at this point?

Once he left, his wife decided she needed to go to the store. Up to this point, she had spent the whole time in their bedroom and only brought out one box. About an hour later, my sister got a call from him and they had just got into the storage place. I guess when he got there, he couldn't remember the code and nobody was in the office. So at this point....he has had these movers for about 3 1/2 hours and 2 1/2 hours of that time was spent waiting for him to pull his head out of his nether regions.

My sister and I finished packing everything we could pack and left around 7:00pm. She still had to take the guys we hired home, which took about an hour....only to have to get up this morning and go back for more.

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