Monday, March 21, 2011

The Move That Never Ends

Yesterday, my sister's father called her at 9:30am to let her know he was running late, but would be out to the house shortly. She had to drive an hour into town and pick up one of her friends, so she figured he would be there by the time she got there. She got there around 11:30 and the U-haul was parked in front of the driveway and her father hadn't shown up yet. She said the house looked exactly the way it did when we left the night before, which means that her father and his wife had done nothing. To top it off, he had the keys to the U-haul, so they couldn't even move it and start loading it.

When she called his wife, she said that she had dropped him off at an AA meeting and they would be out to the house around 1pm. I can't seem to figure out why he even called her in the morning to make sure she would be there, if he was going to be that late. They showed up around 1:30pm and the guys got to work loading the truck. They still aren't I write this they are unloading the last of it into the storage unit.

So, remember the guys her father hired from outside the U-haul place? Well it turns out that they agreed upon $25 per hour/per person (there were three of them). I guess after they unloaded the U-haul, he gave each of them $25, of course they argued with him and he said he couldn't afford to pay them more, so they told him they wouldn't work for him the next day. Can you imagine? I guess he's lucky he has MS, because I am sure they would have roughed him up if he didn't.

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